Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Here's a poem I wrote the first night on the cruise in Alaska...

There's a consciousness here unlike
any place I've ever been.
One that envelops the human senses;
I shall describe it with my pen.

There's a coexistence here unlike
any place I've ever seen.
It has the look of purity;
the colors of blue and green.

There a peace here unlike
any place I've ever heard.
It has the sound of serenity;
the gentle calling of a bird.

There's a freedom here unlike
any place I've ever felt.
It has the touch of infinitude;
together sea and sky melt.

There's an aroma here unlike
any place I've ever smelled.
It has the scent of imagination,
a freshness that can't be quelled.

There's a flavor here unlike
any place I've ever tasted.
It has the taste of forgiveness;
renewal will not be wasted.

I've unmasked this new sensation,
and it's everywhere I'll ever be.
God's creation of liberation
to all who have an impulse to be free.

--DW 6/09

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